We have a new website! If you experience any errors, please write to us at info@labelyourself.com


On www.labelyourself.com you can order products via our website. If you have queries or questions concerning products or anything else, you are always more than welcome to contact us.

From the left-hand menu you choose the category of product you are interested in. Every menu has a sub-menu (level 2), which displays various products within the given category. Here you can inspect the various options and then decide what you wish to purchase.

A purchase involves the following: you write the desired text for the labels; choose a total; complete any other details we request for a particular product. Then you press the “Buy” button, which places the product in your shopping basket. Then follow further instructions.

Not all pages permit you to buy direct. Some products are produced so individually, that you must send us an email with a description and an inquiry.

All prices on the website are current prices, including VAT and other costs, unless otherwise stated.

When you shop with www.labelyourself.com agreements are made in Danish.

It is not possible to see previous orders with a login facility on the website. If you wish to receive a new copy of your order confirmation, you can mail us on info@labelyourself.com.

We accept most major credit cards and our secure line is PBS approved. The secure line ensures that neither Ikast Etiket nor anyone else can track or see your credit card number.

We make no charges for payment by credit card.

Payment with card protects you against misuse. That means you can reject a payment, when you receive your statement. You have no personal risk in the event that your card is misused on an Internet shop that uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) in its payment system. This is a better security than in the physical world, where you have a personal risk of 1,200 DKK when someone else uses your pin code to misuse your credit card.

Any data you send in connection with your purchase, when paid for by credit card, is encrypted (SSL), so it is only PBS that can read the data. Neither www.labelyourself.com nor anyone else can read that data.

The payment for the products is first debited when the products are despatched from www.labelyourself.com. No larger amount can be debited than the amount you have approved at the time of purchase.

We offer credit to institutions, nursing homes and firms registered with valid A/S or ApS business numbers, since they are not permitted to make online payments.

We are more than happy to bill the public sector electronically – please remember to include your EAN number when you place an order.

We deliver world wide at NO extra cost.

All online orders are added only $2.95 in delivery and service charge. All offline products ordered via e-mail og phone will be charges a delivery and service charge starting at $12 (charge after weight).

All products are delivered by Post or UPS. There are a variety of delivery times for different products. The expected delivery time appears on your order confirmation.

Each delivery is accompanied by an invoice or delivery note, which you should keep in the event of a complaint.

You always have 14 days’ right of cancellation when you shop at www.labelyourself.com. The right of cancellation is valid from the day when you receive your goods. Right of cancellation can only be respected if the goods are returned in the same condition and quantity. Right of cancellation is not valid, if you use the goods in a way that clearly impairs, in any way, the sales value of the goods.
When you use the right of cancellation, you must pay your own postage for the return of the goods.

Goods can be sent to:

Ikast Etiket A/S
Neptunvej 6
DK - 7430  Ikast

You can also cancel by refusing to receive the goods at the post office, or by delivering them personally back to the address above (by appointment).

When you cancel your purchase, you are of course refunded the purchase amount. This is transferred to your bank account, when we have received the goods and if they satisfy the cancellation regulations. Therefore, it is important that you inform us of your bank’s sort code and bank account number.

Please note – we do not receive packages sent on a cash-on-delivery basis.

It is always a good idea to keep the original packaging, until you have decided whether or not you will keep the goods. In some cases the packaging can lower the sales value of goods, so right of cancellation is invalidated.

Specially produced goods are goods produced according to your wishes – for example, printed with a special name etc.


When you shop at www.labelyourself.com you of course have 24 months’ right to invoke lack of conformity. That means that you can either have the goods repaired, replaced, money refunded or a reduction in price, depending on the particular situation. This is of course on condition that the complaint is justified and that the defect is not as a result of a misuse of the product or any other injurious behaviour.

A complaint should be lodged within a reasonable period of time after you have discovered the defect in the goods. If you lodge your complaint within 2 months, the complaint will always be in time.

We refund any reasonable freight charges you may incur in connection with returning the goods, when the complaint is justified.

When you wish to lodge a complaint about a product, the complaint must be sent to us at the following address:
Ikast Etiket A/S
Neptunvej 6
DK - 7430  Ikast

When you return goods, please include: a description of the defect and what you wish to return.

Always remember to return the goods in protective packaging, and get a receipt for the postage, so we can refund your expenses.


A cookie is the term for the way in which a user’s behaviour on a network is registered in the user’s own system (on the user’s hard disc). In this way the server (e.g. a website) knows, on the user’s next visit, which the user is.

It is not information of a personal nature is not stored in a cookie, but rather information about a user’s behaviour on a website, e.g. a username that has been typed in, in connection with a special section of a website. A cookie is stored on the user’s hard disc together with cached files. So a cookie is a text file, sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard disc. You can set your browser so it informs you when you receive a cookie, or you can choose to reject cookies completely.

The only thins these cookies are used for is to recognise your PC. Technically “Cookies” can be divided into two types. “Session cookies” keep control of what you have placed in your shopping basket, while navigate around the website. “Session cookies” are not stored on your PC, but disappear as soon as you log off your web browser.  “Permanent cookies” (the second type) are stored as a text file on your PC for approx. 1 month. The function of a “permanent cookie” is to enable our server to recognise your PC the next time you log in on our website.

On www.labelyourself.com cookies are used expressly to optimise our website and its functionality and to make your visit as easy as possible for you .

You can always delete cookies from your computer. For example, in Internet Explorer 5.X, you delete cookies under the menu Functions > Internet settings > Delete cookies

Log statistics are used on www.labelyourself.com, which means that a statistic system gathers information that can provide a statistical picture of how many visitors a website has had, where they come from, and what part of the website this information has come from etc. On www.labelyourself.com log statistics are used expressly to optimise our website and its functionality.

In order to enter into an agreement with us via the website you must register the following personal information:

We register your personal information for the express purpose of delivering your goods to you.

Personal information is registered with the company’s legal name and can be kept for 5 years (in accordance with book-keeping regulations). After this the information is deleted.

When personal information is gathered via our website, we make sure that it is always done with your express consent, in such a way that you are informed precisely of what information is being gathered and why.

The manager of Ikast Etiket A/S has access to the information about you that is registered.

We do not store encrypted customer information.

We do not transmit encrypted customer information.

Information given to www.labelyourself.com is not passed on or sold to a third party and we do not register information of a personally sensitive nature.

If you are registered with Ikast Etiket A/S. you always have the right to inspect the registration. You also have the right to inspect what information has been registered about you. You have these rights in accordance with the personal data law and any inquiries in connection with this matter should be addressed to Ikast Etiket A/S via email: info@labelyourself.com.

You can contact labelyourself.com wither by email info@labelyourself.com or by phoning customer services on +45 97 15 53 12. Further contact information can be found at the bottom of each page.