If you have you ever lost your stuff or come home with the wrong item, we have a unique solution.
Our address stickers can mark up all your belongings and are super durable. They come in many colours to suit any occasion.
Use them for example on a lunch box, a water bottle, toys, golf equipment, as "the sender" sticker etc.
See our selection of
stickers here.
Self-adhesive address stickers for labelling almost anything. However, if you put them in clothing, boots or similar, they are not suitable for the washing machine. For clothes to be washed, we recommend our iron-on labels.
Our stickers are made of PP = polypropylene. They are dishwasher safe, wind- and weather-proof and are long lasting. In other words, mark up everything you do not want to lose.
- Measurements: 37mm. x 16mm. with rounded corners
- Please note that stickers with transparent background can only be made with black text - you can not upload your own image.
- Order from only 1 pc. with your own text with black print on white base. All other colours are from 20 pcs.
- Dishwasher proof, withstand oil, fat, fuel, frost, wind and rain
- Perfect for shoes, since the printing can not be worn off.
- Super durability
- Easy way to mark up books, lunch boxes, tools, CDs, golf equipment, lights, computer games, cameras, letters, boat accessories etc.
- It's a good idea to put the phone number on the labels. If things get lost, you can easily get them back again.